Title of the event

Why is this converastion important?

Debating on entrepreneurship, one-person companies, self-employment and future of work: status and trends focusing on digitalisation, services and retailing

Why is this converastion important? Debating on entrepreneurship, one-person companies, self-employment and future of work: status and trends focusing on digitalisation, services and retailing

  • 09:30 – 09:35

    Jake Ward President of Connected Commerce Council
    Ntina & Eleftheria Denaxa Owners of Emmantina Houses hotel in Greece
  • 09:30 – 09:35

    Gori Yahaya Founder & CEO of UpSkill Digital
    Dr. Ingo Adler Partner in the EU Project Consortium
    Philipp Jauernik EU Relations Officer with Fit4internet -
    Member Digital Skills & Jobs Coalition of
    the European Commission
    Stefan Moritz Managing Director of European Entrepreneurs