With the introduction of the Internal Market, European Union has achieved many new opportunities for SMEs, but it has also created new challenges. It is not an easy feat for SMEs to benefit from all of the opportunities, or resist adversities in Brussels: many SMEs are often poorly informed of European developments or the stages of the EU decision-making procedures, and are barely in contact with the European institutions. Something which is almost as important as the constant tracking of political processes and conveying political positions to the administration, as well as pursuit of dialogue with large businesses and associations, which must be taught the perspectives of the SMEs in order for their positions to be brought to the touchstone.
SME Connect stands for the development of a constructive partnership in order to avoid conflicting views, maybe to reach joint decision positions, or at least to maintain an honest exchange of interests. All of this, however, has as of yet not been comprehensively established. Europe has much more to offer than just economic policy, Europe is a platform from which cross border networking, the discovery of new business partners, new cooperation in research, or even marketing ideas can be pioneered. These are just some examples of the potentialities not realized sufficiently by the European SMEs. In this case; knowledge, languages, trust and legal certainty are the deciding factors.