Kick-Off: Stop Bureaucracy –
An Initiative To Strengthen Europe

The current EU bureaucracy burdens businesses, slows down innovation, and undermines the trust of citizens in the EU. Inspired by Christoph Leitl, former President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and Eurochambres, and Michael Jäger, President of the Taxpayers Association of Europe, they have jointly launched a petition campaign with the motto “Stop Bureaucracy”. The existing bureaucracy of the EU should be reduced quantitatively and qualitatively by 20% for all citizens. With each new European regulation, its consequences and costs must be outlined in a qualitative impact assessment and each new regulation at the European level must provide a clear added value compared to national regulations. With this kick-off meeting, we want to call upon the European Union to take concrete measures to reduce excessive bureaucracy to build a more dynamic and efficient EU that better serves the needs of its citizens and businesses. More:


    Vice-President of SME Europe; Board Member SME Connect; Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs; Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs



    President of European Business Circle, Former President of the Austrian Chambers of Commerce & Eurochambres


    President of Taxpayers Association of Europe


    Milena Angelova

    Secretary-General of the BICA, Member of EECS, SME Envoy of  Bulgaria

    J. Scott Marcus

    Associate Senior Research Fellow at CEPS, Part-time Professor at the Centre for a Digital Society

    Stefan Solle

    Head of Department International Relations at Gesamtmetall

    Peter Dohr

    Senior Expert for Better Regulation at WKÖ EU Representation

    Stefanie Sabet

    Managing Director of the BVE and Head of the Office in Brussels


    MEP (TBA)


    Chair of the Steering Committee of SME Connect


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