SMEs Meet Politics: Election Aftermath –
Analyzing the Landscape, Exploring Future Directions, and Addressing SME Expectations
As a follow-up to the SME Connect interview series, in which self-employed individuals and representatives of One-Person Companies (OPCs) presented their pressing questions to several candidates for the European Parliament, we will gather now again to provide insight into what self-employed individuals and OPCs can concretely expect from the new European Parliament and the upcoming Commission.
Participants will be able to share updates on their current situations, highlighting key challenges and contributing practical solutions. The group has been deliberately expanded to include additional POC and self-employment representatives, ensuring a broad range of perspectives.
This event serves as a valuable platform to connect the concerns and expectations of self-employed individuals and single entrepreneurs with the political sphere, identifying shared avenues for future action.
Welcome & Moderation
Horst HeitzChair oft he Steering Committee of SME Connect
Kosma ZŁOTOWSKI MEPMember of Committee TRAN
Jasmin LehetaOPC Entrepreneur, Chair of the SME Connect Working Group on Entrepreneurship, One-Person Companies and Self-Employment
Questions & Statements
Dieter GrohmannOPC-Entrepreneur
Carsten NackeSelf-Employed
Jürgen HoffmannSelf-Employed
Jonis RealeHead of Public Affairs at Junior Enterprises Europe
Srita HeideFounder and CEO Srita Heide Intl. – Leadership Advisory ServicesMichael JägerPresident of the Taxpayers Association Europe