Fit for Today:
How Can Energy Policy Increase the EU’s Security?
The Russian attack on Ukraine has shocked the world. For the EU, the war proved to be a wake-up call: showing the dangers of increasing dependence on Russian energy supplies and prompted the need to re-evaluate EU energy and climate policy. Keeping this in mind, we would like to invite you to a debate on the future of the Fit for 55 package. The aim of the debate is to see how Fit for 55 can be used to increase the EU’s security and what changes might be needed to current EU policies.
Marian-Jean MARINESCU MEPENVI & TRAN Committees
Marcin NowackiEESC Member;
Vice President of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers;
President of the European Enterprise Alliance
Horst HeitzChair of Steering Committee, SME Connect
Włodzimierz EhrenhaltZPP Chief Expert on Energy, President of Renewable Energy Association
Joris van DorpCo-Author “Switch Off Putin:
Ukraine Energy Solidarity Plan”, RePlanet -
Jakub BinkowskiBoard Member Union of Entrepreneurs’ and Employers
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